About the archives
The Multnomah County Records Management Program maintains archival records for use by county agencies and public researchers.
Archival records are records that were:
- identified for permanent retention on agency records retention schedules;
- included in the Multnomah County Historical Records Inventory;
- created in 1920 or earlier.
As stewards of public information and the historical record of Multnomah County, we are committed to making the archives as widely accessible to our community as possible. For that reason, we launched the Multnomah County Digital Archives in 2020. For the first time, we are now able to offer universal access to our public digital and digitized collections wherever there is internet access.
Multnomah County has been creating archival public records since 1854 and continues to do so every day. We will continue to add collections to this site regularly. Please check back often.
To search collections held at Multnomah County Archives, please visit the Multnomah County ArchivesSpace catalog.
If there is a record that you are interested in but do not find in our digital collections, please contact us at records@multco.us or 503-988-3741.