Terms of Use
May I reproduce images from your website?
The vast majority of the items in this digital collection were created by Multnomah County and are therefore believed to be in the public domain with no known copyright restrictions. However, copyright status has not been conclusively determined. If specific copyright information is known, it will be included in the “Rights” field of the catalog record. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the researcher to verify the status of copyright for an item before reproducing a record of any kind.
If you have questions about a particular record, please make a note of the identifier for the item (e.g., multco97.9.6) and contact us.
If you do reproduce items from this collection, we would appreciate your crediting Multnomah County as the original source. See below for preferred citation format.
How can I file a takedown notice?
If you are a copyright holder for an item on this website and believe that the item is not properly identified, or if you are a copyright holder for an item and have objections to its inclusion in the online collection, please contact us. When contacting us about an item in this collection, please include the identifier for the item (e.g., multco97.9.6).
Can I get a signed permission form from Multnomah County to use materials?
Multnomah County as a policy does not sign documents stating that particular records are not copyrighted because most government records are in the public domain. It is the user’s responsibility to determine copyright.
Do you have a template for citations?
Our preferred citation format is as follows:
Collection Name, Description, Repository Name, Location.
Example 1: Edgefield Manor records, Resident correspondence, U-Z, Multnomah County Archives, Portland, Oregon.
Example 2: Board of County Commissioners records, Board journals, v. 102, Multnomah County Archives, Portland, Oregon.